Key Business Strategic Stakeholder Alignment Issues In Practice

September 7, 2022
Robert Peopall

Key Business Strategic Stakeholder Alignment Issues In Practice

Business Strategic Stakeholder Alignment

Stakeholder alignment 6 key issues that prevent efficient planning and control

Failure to translate the vision, purpose, objectives into specific geographic, line of business, functional, team and individual targets

Many organisations today suffer from confused visions, purpose, objectives and targets due to poor communication as stated above but also due to poor translation through the organisational layers. Make sure that the necessary effort is put into translating the objectives into specific targets for each geographic region, line of business, function, team and individual. This will ensure that each team and individual understands what is expected of them driving alignment throughout the organisation.

Overcoming Protective Silo’s

In order to encourage strategic stakeholder alignment, encourage a culture of openness, built on the values of trust, integrity and mutual respect. Create a ‘One Team’ view of the organisation, embed this into the culture of the organisation through clear communication and constant reinforcement and establish reward mechanisms that drive the ‘One Team’ cultural behaviour sought to deliver the objectives set e.g. incentivising staff to sell integrated multi-proposition solutions and services to clients.


Stopping the Pet Project Culture

A more strategic globally centralised portfolio management approach should be introduced to ensure that investments are justified and backed-up by a solid and robust business case with a focus on reducing large volumes of operational investments and a greater focus on tactical and strategic investments that will deliver greater benefits to the business as a whole and remove the ‘pet project’ culture typically present.


Addressing the Political Divide

Cultural change is critical, the organisation and every individual needs to understand and appreciate that a ‘One Team’ culture will be introduced and past historical political divides will no longer be tolerated. The onus is on all parties to concentrate on the big picture and work collaboratively in an open, honest and respectful way that ideally removes or at least reduces the impact of political game playing.


Eradicating the Blame Culture

Far too many organisations spend way too much time, effort and money on looking at what went wrong in a negative way to apportion blame to individuals and teams. The constant drive for short term results is driving this type of witch-hunt behaviour within firms wasting a lot of negative energy. The focus should instead concentrate on quickly fixing the problems caused and sharing learning from the mistakes across the organisation to avoid repeating them in the future.


Making Sure Reward & Recognition is given to the right parties

Political game playing, ego’s and self-promotion are common problems within large organisations today. The organisation needs to stop people from stealing other people’s ideas and instead seek to give recognition where it is truly deserved. Don’t assume that the most vocal people are the people that deserve the recognition. Often their ego’s get in the way as they crave recognition for other people’s work. Wake up and see through the illusion to the reality of what’s happening in practice. Often the people that choose to leave are the people you should build your business around who are simply disillusioned with a lack of recognition. Fight hard to stop your best people leaving and ensure that they get the recognition they deserve.

If any of these points sound familiar and resonate with you and you want to discuss how our ID8 diagnostics can help you to overcome your current issues and challenges then do contact us by email at or call us on +44 (0)203 908 4346.