We conduct rapid marketing and sales audits to identify and propose opportunities to increase performance and deliver sustained business growth. We then work with you teams, to agree priorities and plans to support their successful implementation by your sales and marketing teams.
Achieving sustainable growth through integrated performance
Today’s business leaders have a lot to think about when it comes to maintaining a strong brand reputation, retaining talent and driving profitable sustained sales growth. One of the keys to their success is in ensuring that their day-to-day operational model is inspiring the internal drivers of growth such as collaboration, creativity, innovation, and customer focus.
We conduct rapid marketing and sales audits to identify and propose opportunities to increase performance and deliver sustained business growth. We then work with you teams, to agree priorities and plans to support their successful implementation by your sales and marketing teams.
Our unique diagnostic tool also provides organisations with a snapshot and assessment of other operational areas at risk of impacting business growth by not being integrated with sales and marketing activities. We then drill down to analyse any specific internal factors responsible and propose actions to quickly fix those areas to support both short-term tactical and strategic sales and marketing improvement plans.
What makes us different is our approach. Over the years, we have found that ultimately, sustainable business success is underpinned by strong business values and great work culture. Employees must trust their leadership team and the people they work with, while in turn feel trusted and empowered to do their jobs in this new flexible but supported hybrid working environment. Our diagnostic tool ensures that all of our proposed solutions are implemented in away that enhances employee trust and empowerment.
As highly experienced sales and marketing professionals, we understand the importance of providing fast, independent and impartial analysis, followed by expert recommendations and activities to support their successful implementation to deliver in year results.
Our approach uses the following six steps and provides rapid initial assessment results and quick fix recommendations within 10 working days:
1. Rapidly benchmark - the effectiveness of an organisations sales and marketing team
2. Risk assessment - of any identified gaps in supporting commercial departments
3. Propose quick fix - and longer-term programmes to improve sales and marketing performance and their integration with supporting departments
4. Assess employee trust - in the department and organisation they work for resulting in retaining talent
5. Support and empower implementation -of programmes which motivate employees to continually improve performance, collaborate, and deliver consistently within your organisation’s ethos
6. Futureproof sustained growth – with processes for regular progress reviews, internal feedback, and meaningful communication
We have supported many organisations in the UK and internationally, to achieve successful business transformation, in a wide range of sectors, blue chip organisations, SMEs, non-profit and government organisations.
For further information about our senior associates and testimonials, visit Business Ethics Associates at www.businessethicsassociates.com