CStrO Diagnostic

CStrO Diagnostic

The CSTRO Diagnostic assesses the effectiveness of each of the three layers looking at 8 critical issues in each layer from a fitness for purpose point of view across 10 Dimensions namely Process, Communication, Training, Global consistency of standards, Governance, Performance Management, Technology, Cultural Fit, Capabilities and Investment. The diagnostic assesses and compares current state and future state aspirations and takes into account impact, risk and priority to deliver a prioritised roadmap for change to help you to plan your change interventions rapidly while harnessing the contributions of your stakeholders to determine the optimum path forward for the business or function you lead.

The diagnostic can be deployed in full, or simply narrowed in focus, or rapidly adapted in line with your own preferences to provide a tailored diagnostic review. If you prefer to design your own model then this is easily achieved with or without our help and simply and quickly loaded into the ID8 platform to run your diagnostic.

The benefits in terms of speed of analysis, richness and deepness of the insights generated and the positive cultural impact of giving your stakeholders internally and externally the opportunity to contribute to problem solving, decision making, strategy definition to drive change successfully are a game changer for every organisation or business function.

Example Model
For further information contact us on  +44 (0)203 908 4346  or email us at  contactus@aspirepi.com
CStrO Diagnostic
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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Example Model
For further information contact us on  +44 (0)203 908 4346  or email us at  contactus@aspirepi.com
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